Mariposa Botnet Masters Arrested

Mariposa Botnet Masters Arrested

Spanish authorities report that they have arrested the masterminds behind a string of online criminal activities using the botnet dubbed Mariposa. Mariposa is the original name of a commercially distributed Do-it-Yourself malware kit, sold online for 800/1000 EUR for...
Beware of Vulnerabilities in Windows and Office

Beware of Vulnerabilities in Windows and Office

Microsoft recently released a number of security bulletins and patches addressing vulnerabilities in Windows and Office that are of high risk to users. It’s widely believed that many will be exploited by hackers within the next 30 days. One of them could potentially...
Beware the Kneber Botnet

Beware the Kneber Botnet

A malicious piece of software making the rounds of news websites this week is believed to be behind the compromise of over 75,000 systems in over 2,500 international organizations – many of which are government agencies and large Fortune 500 companies. Called the...
Hackers Target Email, Blogs, Social Networking Sites

Hackers Target Email, Blogs, Social Networking Sites

In a report by security firm Websense, an alarming rise in the growth of malicious websites was identified in 2009 as compared to 2008 – almost 225 percent. The study also found an increased focus among hackers and spammers on targeting social media sites such as...
Mozilla Firefox Add-Ons Download Site was Harboring Malware

Mozilla Firefox Add-Ons Download Site was Harboring Malware

Mozilla, the organization behind the popular Firefox browser disclosed that two add-ons available for download on its website were vectors for Trojans that could compromise users’ computers. Add-ons allow users to extend and enhance the capabilities of Firefox...
Are you using an Insecure Password?

Are you using an Insecure Password?

Security firm Imperva recently released a warning to users of popular social networking website RockYou indicating that their accounts and passwords may have been compromised. According to the firm, a hacker may have accessed an alarming 32 million accounts. But what...