Submit new user formNew User Request Please fill out the information requested below to create a new user in your system. Please allow 3 business days to complete the set up. Full name of requestor * Phone * Email * Company name: * Is this a returning user? * New user’s full name (please double check spelling!) * New User’s Title * New user start date * What workstation will this user be assigned to? (Please note if email only user) * Will this user require remote access setup? * Will this user have their own phone extension? * If the answer above is Yes, place their phone extension below What programs will this user need access to? (Please list all that apply) * Does this user need the full office suite? * If a license is not currently available, would you like to purchase one? * If Yes, will this be a Monthly or Annual License? Any restrictions on file/folder access? What email groups / distribution lists should this user be a part of? (Please list all that apply) Please List any Sharepoint sites this user should have access to: Full Access: Read Only Access: Is this new user replacing someone? * If yes, who are they replacing? If no, which current user is this employee most like? FTE User # What time zone will this user be working from? Please check the box: Submit If you are human, leave this field blank.