With the growth of social networking, it is becoming increasingly difficult to separate business connections with personal connections. November 17, 2010 was declared by Jimmy Kimmel during his television show as “National Unfriend Day”, the opportunity...
It’s common knowledge these days that social networking websites such as the hugely popular Twitter can be used not only as an online socializing medium, but also as a powerful business tool. However, not everyone becomes as successful as they want to. Here are a few...
Just when we thought we’ve seen it all in the social networking scene, along comes Foursquare, a new social networking app that brings things closer to home – literally. If you thought you’ve seen it all in the social networking world –...
CRM service providers are beginning to realize the value of social networking and are beginning to integrate similar features into their services. With the popularity of social networking mechanisms and websites continuing to grow, more and more businesses are...