Twitter Fast Becoming an Indispensable Tool for Many SMBs

Twitter Fast Becoming an Indispensable Tool for Many SMBs

Twitter, the microblogging service used by CNN, Oprah and none other than President Obama seems to have taken the world by storm, and is fast becoming an indispensable tool for many small and midsized businesses as well Twitter allows company owners to share short...
Social Networking Websites Your Business Should Use

Social Networking Websites Your Business Should Use

Social Networking websites are usually associated with consumer services such as MySpace and Facebook. But did you know that there are literally dozens of social networking websites out there specifically targeted toward businesses?’s editors have...
More SMBs Using the Internet to Promote their Business

More SMBs Using the Internet to Promote their Business

A recent study by the Kelsey Group reveals that more small and midsized businesses are using digital media, specially the Internet, to promote or advertise their business. Their study, conducted with research partner ConStat, indicates that the penetration of...
E-mail marketing still works according to

E-mail marketing still works according to

Entrepreneur magazine columnist Gail Goodman offers an insightful look into email marketing and its relevance in today’s social network marketing-crazy world. She argues that despite the rise of Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, blogging, and other Web 2.0 tools for direct...

Using Social Media for your Business

Social Media such as Blogs, Micro-blogs, Wikis, and Social Networks are not only helping many people communicate and connect, but are also powerful tools for business as well. They can be used to promote your products and services, engage customers in meaningful...